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Welcome to Ott’s Good Earth Garden

Eat from the Farm, Not from the Factory

Reserve Your Table Now ORDER NOW Sign Up For Our Emails!

Sharriott Winery

We carry a full selection of award winning New Jersey wines from Sharrott Winery

Experience Polished

Casual Dining at The Garden

Welcome to Ott’s Good Earth Garden! We are known throughout the Garden State for having the freshest ingredients and exciting new dishes. We are now partnering with local farms, seafood markets, butchers, bakeries and more to be sure we are serving only the freshest local fare. Check out our menu to see our unique dishes made from fresh, farm raised, locally sustainable &  responsible ingredients.


A Visual Culinary Experience

Our Chef’s Table is perfect for small, intimate gatherings. Sip some of Sharrot Winery’s award-winning New Jersey wines and watch each mouthwatering course of your meal as it is prepared and cooked to perfection. You will enjoy the perfect view of our two passionate & talented chefs, Chef Geoff and Chef Rodolfo.

We are available for private parties and events on and off premises.  Please call for more information.


Special Occasions

We’d love to host your next celebration! We are the perfect venue for birthdays, holiday parties, family celebrations, corporate events and more. We are available for private parties and events seven days a week.

Get in Touch


Ott’s Good Earth Garden

General Inquiries:

Private Parties:

771 S Main Street
West Creek, New Jersey 08092

Hours of Operation
First Seating Times:

Wed: 5:00 pm
Thu: 5:00 pm
Fri: 4:30 pm
Sat: 4:30 pm
Sun: 4:00 pm

771 S Main St, West Creek, NJ, United States

Make Your Reservation Today!

Between the Sheets LLC
The Dutchmans
The Maximilian Foundation
Spice Catering and Event Planning
Mickey's Port of Call